A safe and natural marine nutraceutical supplement for horses.
4-in-1 Plus is a source of highly bioavailable minerals, which offer vital benefits including maximized calcium retention for increased bone strength, and is ideal for horses prone to EGUS.
Calcium Bioavailability
4-in-1 Plus provides a rich source of calcium that rivals other animal feed calcium sources in terms of content and innate bioavailability.
The calcium carbonate found in 4-in-1 Plus is naturally present in three crystalline forms: calcite, aragonite and vaterite. These crystals, together with the honeycomb structure of 4-in-1 Plus, ensure that minerals are released in a controlled and effective way.
Magnesium, Silicon and Strontium
4-in-1 Plus naturally contains a bioavailable source of these essential minerals.
Live Yeast
(Saccharmyces cerevisae)
4-in-1 Plus includes a live yeast and in combination with bioavailable calcium, magnesium, silicon and strontium improves feed digestibility and utilization.
Gastric Conditioning
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome: (EGUS) affects up to 92% of horses resulting in reduced performance and poor general well-being.
A daily ration of 4-in-1 Plus helps to combat EGUS by maintaining a healthy stomach resulting in a happier, fitter horse.
- Nutritional maintenance of a healthy stomach
- Long-lasting buffer against stomach ulcers caused by excessive acid
- Calmer behavior in performance horses and youngsters
- Enhanced health and overall wellness
- Recommended by top nutritionists and vets
Trials Show Excellent Results
Recent trials showed that racehorses fed 4-in-1 Plus for only 4 weeks showed significantly reduced symptoms of EGUS.
Stronger Bones & Healthier Joints
Strength from the Inside Out
- Helps to nutritionally maintain healthy joints and mobility
- Nutritionally supports bone turnover and repair
- Ideal for all horses including performance horses, mares in foal, youngstock and older horses
- Scientifically proven results
- Recommended by top nutritionists and vets
4-in-1 Plus – Scientifically proven
Dr. Brian Nielson, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, has reported (American Society of Animal Science, 2008) that the use of 4-in-1 Plus in the diet of Arabian yearlings had a significant effect on increasing bone turnover.
Bone is constantly being broken down and replaced – a necessary process to maintain a healthy skeleton as this increases the opportunity to repair damaged bone before a problem becomes clinical.
This scientific study confirms anecdotal evidence from the field where 4-in-1 Plus has been used over a period of years on studs where the incidence of Developmental Orthopedic Disease (DOD) and other stress related bone injuries were previously reported.
4-in-1 Plus Research – Bone Health
Skeletal injuries are a major concern in athletic horses. It is known that nutrition can play a critical role in bone health.
This study investigated if the mineral supplement, 4-in-1 Plus, could alter bone metabolism and increase the mineral content of the third metacarpal (cannon bone) – see image.
Study details
- The study investigated 14 yearling Arabian horses: 4 geldings & 10 fillies
- The study ran for a duration of 112 days
- 4-in-1 Plus vs. Limestone (calcium carbonate):
- Mineralisation of MCIII
- Markers of bone metabolism
- Bone markers:
- Osteocalcin: a marker of bone formation
- Serum CTX-1: a marker of bone resorption
1. 4-in-1 Plus™: 75g/day/horse – provides 15g Calcium and 0.07g Phosphorus
2. Limestone: 39.5g/day/horse – provides 15g Calcium and 0.008g Phosphorus
The 4-in-1 Plus treatment group showed an increase in CTX-1 (P=0.001)
The 4-in-1 Plus treatment group had a trend towards increased osteocalcin (P=0.07)

4-in-1 Plus™ alters markers of bone metabolism in yearling Arabian Horses
DB Nielsen, RE Cate, CI O’Connor-Robison, DS
Rosenstein, Michigan State University, USA
Manuscript in preparation
Presented at the American Society of Animal Science, Indianapolis, July 2008